I tend to concur about the already heavy population in your 15 gal aquarium, but I also know that over-stocked tanks can be fine, well managed & healthy, in the hands of a highly motivated, conscientious and committed owner. Oct 29, 2019 - Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description - The betta fish is also called Siamese fighting fish is one of the popular fish are keeping by fish hobbies. That is way too many fish in such a small tank (minimum: 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon of water), he needs to be on his own in his own quarantine/hospital tank right now. Betta fish can easily mistake them as another betta species and will become very aggressive and nip at their fins and fight with them. Color: Orange-Red ©AquariumFishCity 2021 | Guide for Fishes and Aquarium Lovers, Guppies are well-regarded for how easy it is to care for them, [2020] The Definitive Guide to the Best Food for Your Betta Fish. AFC was designed and made with fish keepers like you and me in mind. Le mâle est issu de ma lignée de HM White platinum et la femelle vient de. I have a 10 gallon tank. Tank Size: 20-Gallons or More. The average lifespan for cory catfish in captivity is 2-3 years and their temperament is non-aggressive. If yours is very aggressive with its reflection and food etc then I wouldn’t risk it. Hi! Originating from Southeast Asia, where you can find them in such places as streams and rice paddies, betta fish have an optimal pH of 7. Unfortunately, these meat products are not going to give them everything they need for optimal nutrition. The caveat here is when the water is too cold from not being heated or as a betta gets older they will become more lethargic in their activity levels. Level: Beginner I misread 60L…thought he said 60g. 3. Thank you for your time, So I put her back in her tank. My husband has a double tail male Betta fish and an asst md koi fish together in the same tank and they get along perfect. Males cannot share the same habitat without a divider. They range from 1.0-2.5 inches in length. As Bryan said most barbs are aggressive, but these seem to be the exception. Platies should be fine, but just a reminder that all situations are unique and so are the personalities of bettas. May 3, 2014 - Explore Tak Silpaphong's board "Guppy" on Pinterest. Cohabitation: Le poisson guppy est un poisson très sociable, bien qu'il arrive quelques fois que les guppys mâles mordillent un peu les nageoires de leurs congénères quand celles-ci sont très grandes. For a cohabitation tank with guppies, this is a vital consideration. Remember, this is just my opinion and experience so do some research, maybe I’m just lucky… My Betta has been building a bubble nest for awhile now, so at least I know that he’s happy in there! I’m Gabriel and I have been keeping fish for almost fifteen years. Corydoras (cory/cories) catfish are good additions to a community betta tank. This means you’re going to want to give them meat products with lots of yummy protein. Even when feeding he kinda sits there then occasionally eats. Bien que le combattant femelle soit moins agressif que le combattant mâle, pour avoir plusieurs poissons cohabitants il est important de suivre quelques règles : Pour rassembler plusieurs femelles sous le même toit, il faudra que vous en mettiez au moins 3. Such colors can look lovely in the tank, but they can also stir aggression in betta fish. Or do they nip the tails? A few Red Cherries would be even better but will have to be smart, keen, good hiders and fast movers to survive long with your existing tank inhabitants. My other tanks are smaller since I got sold male plakat for female betta. It’s best to err on the side of caution, staying away from other territorial fish, bright colored, or top/surface feeders and dwellers. Hi Arielle. I just didn’t know if I something to control the algae on the tank. If the betta has a good temperament, regardless of gender, it will probably do just fine. Bloodworms are a great SNACK for many different species. This will not be an issue for the guppies. Laissez ce champ vide si vous êtes humain : Home; Mes catégories. Hello! I do have lots of hiding places and everyone has their favorite hangout space. This makes them a perfect companion for betta fish. You should also consider feeding your guppies first. Thank you for a giving me so much good information! Please check your facts. If you plan on getting some tank mates, I would go with a 10 or 20-gallon tank. En tant que tel, il vaut mieux le maintenir seul de son espèce. I have regular and long fin zebras, they get along great with my beta and have no nipping problems. Cohabitation Guppy Combattant et mise bas des guppys corleone92 04/07/2011 21h20; 2. I am moving him from 1 gallon to 10 gallons, so it’s a large step up. I tried to put the female in a cup and let her float around on the surface in his bowl to see if he will perk up and his fen unclamp but it didn’t work. Have an exile tank and net ready should anything go wrong. Don’t want to get a second tank? Disregard my response. This is known as a community tank and can house more than two kinds of species. Thanks again for all the other great betta info you have here, I like to learn as much as I can! Siamesische Kampffische (Betta Splendens, auch Bettas genannt) gehören zu den beliebtesten und bekanntesten Aquarienfischen. When they were still there my betta (Taz) was happy swimming around but recently ive noticed the ends of his fins clumping together. Whatever the case, 4 Ghost shrimp aren’t going to add a whole lot to the bioload, ime. My betta tank is at 78 degrees, some people keep them at 80. Go Gary go! Level: Beginner See more ideas about Guppy, Guppy fish, Aquarium fish. I couldn’t find anything online that said male Bettas and koi fish couldn’t be together. Delta betta fish and halfmoon betta fish are both examples of less aggressive breeds. same here, my male Betta and neon are fine together. Start there. Your feeding schedule for bettas should be roughly once per day. These translucent critters are really fun to watch, love moss balls and other live plants and help keep your tank clean. Hi, I own a 60L tank with 1 male betta, 4 female bettas, 4 albino corydoras and 1pleco, not sure if it is clown or common, but I’ve had it for 5months now and its not bigger than 2inches. Plants can also help to keep the peace. Level: Beginner-Advanced I have a male Crowntail Betta and a male Gold Claw Fiddler living harmoniously in a 5 gallon filtered tank for over 7 months now. Many betta keepers decide to explore other fish that can live with bettas because their fish appears bored, or because they want to liven up their tank. Same goes with tetras, but they are compatible. Two, even with those figures in mind, there is still clearly a sweet spot in which both guppies and betta could theoretically live together comfortably. Il peut mesurer jusqu'à 6 cm et, en prenant soin de votre Combattant, son espérance de vie peut aller jusqu'à trois ans.. Avec ses nageoires spectaculaires et ses couleurs vives, c'est un poisson très convoité. Hey ive had a male beta fish for about two months. Should this happen, you’ll want to find and isolate the guppy causing the problem. I would also look into getting an adjustable flow filter where you can slow it down. Suite à l'annonce du gouvernement, nous mettons en place les frais de port offert pour le vivant à partir de 100 euros d'achat pendant toute la période du confinement en France . Overcrowding will stress them OUT. Si un mâle est trop agressif avec les femelles, essayez de placer plus de cachettes pour la femelle guppy exemples comme de fausses plantes et de petits abris. „Betta-Harem“) zu halten, die friedlich miteinander umgeht. Therefore, a filter is necessary for a community tank. I have 6 danios and they are fine together although one of them is a bit of a bully. What about danios, platies, or female swordtails? Have any helpful advice or questions? I’ve never had this problem with any other fish in my large tank). Lol, but I have a male Betta in a jewel 240 tank, along with 5 cherry barbs , 6 wcmm, 8 chilli rasboras, 3 celestial pearl danio, 6japanese daisy rice fish,4 Dario dario, 3 sucking loach and a mixture of around 30 shrimp ie reds blacks ghost yellow blue, temp at 24′ tank is well planted ,also moss balls ,java moss bog wood and lots of caves and hiding places the only problem i get is my shrimp are multiplying, but this keeps my betta busy being a predatory fish weaving in and out of plants caves and moss, never seen him eat any , but all in all its a happy tank!! De toute manière si tu vois qu'elle est agressive enlève là et met la toute seule. Is a 5 gallon tank big enough to put more than my betta in? Sujets connexes. 28/set/2017 - Et oui encore une autre repro les petits sont en nage libre depuis hier le 5 Aout. Yes, they can, as long as you provide the right environment for both. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, guppy.pro has it all. I really appreciate all the information here. 4. Snails like to hide and can create a big mess too in smaller tanks. This subject can be further elaborated on by understanding aggressiveness in terms of betta breeds and genders. In terms of what you should put inside your tank, beyond the perfect water, remember that guppies like things like black substrate, rocks, and live plants. Very helpful! fin tearing), nonstop chases, and extended periods of quarreling. This makes them an ideal fish to live with a betta. Scientific Name: Hymenochirus Boettgeri Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They make fantastic betta fish companions. Tank Size: 10-Gallons or More. Ihr Warenkorb ist leer. Sometimes sororities are hard to establish if you have particularly aggressive females. Tropical Freshwater Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tropical Fish Guppy Saltwater Tank Setup Saltwater Aquarium Live Aquarium Plants Planted Aquarium Fish Wallpaper. You’ll love watching them navigate around the tank, using their siphon for air at the surface, and watching their tentacles meander around. I appreciate the informative site here for bettas, thank you and well done. For example. Level: Beginner-Advanced You can add a snail if you’d like once his health has recovered if it’s in the 10-gallon. Cohabitation entre combattant femelle . Bryan April 16, 2018 . Guppies are also content living on their own, so adding one as a tank mate is easier than schooling fish. Guppies are hailed for their hardiness, their breathtaking colors, and their pleasant personalities. La cohabitation des guppys avec d’autres poissons est intéressante pour créer un Embers are another species of the tetra and will even school with neon tetras. Le mâle est issu de ma lignée de HM White platinum et la femelle vient de. +33 We then added 4-5 Feeder Guppies in there with her, and while she chases them around to no end, doesn’t appear to be interested in eating them. I would start with a school of neon tetras and the embers, see how they do before adding a loach which needs a minimum of 20 gallons. Ghost shrimp are virtually invisible in tanks without close inspection by the naked eye. The plan would be to get a male betta, some panda cory, coolie loaches and some sort of suitable schooling fish. Mon premier betta, il y a de ça quelques années était dans un 54 litres avec deux femelles,manque d'expérience et mal conseillée. Quelle Cohabitation avec Guppys, discussion dans le forum aquariophilie Poissons tropicaux ... Les néons ,je sais qu'il leur faut au moinS 1m de façade et déjà trop avec les guppy qui sont des poissons de millieu comme les néons ... Poisson rouge, Combattant, Betta … They are doing well too. 6 years ago. I had a male betta in each. Suche in unserem Shop. Are there other types of rasboras/tetras that bettas can get along with? Thank you in advance! Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. I was also planning on finding some live plants to add in later when I have everything under control. Because the male bettas are generally more aggressive than the females, the idea ratio will then be one female betta to your male/female guppy ratio. És un membre de petita mida de la família dels pecílids (femelles 4 cm de llarg, mascles 2½–3 cm) i com en altres membres de la família, els ous es desenvolupen al mateix interior de la mare. BTW I love you site it is really educational and inspirational! His back fin is split in two now. Le mâle mesure jusqu’à 4 cm et la femelle, plus grande, peut atteindre 5 cm. If either of these is the case, it’s okay for your betta to live alone than under constant stress. Never a problem. I didn’t do everything you said to do yet, due to no money yet. I wouldn’t recommend them for co-existence because the crab if it got the betta would do some serious damage and betta fish are very curious. I have that plus tetras, kuhlis, catfish and corys. Make sure if you do try these 2 fish that you put your Betta in a small breading net during the koi feeding because the Betta fish will eat all of the food and get sick. Be wary of diseases which can impact both. He also gets commercial Betta flakes but obviously prefers the worms, and, jerking that little wiggly thing from my fingers makes him feel all macho & “flarey”…..little fishy-BIG STUFF!! Blue rams might need to be relocated because they are bright and can be aggressive too. I currently have a female rose tail living with a zebra danio and two zebra loaches, although the danio is a schooling fish he doesn’t seem to mind whatsoever, and my female Betta only ignores him. I didn’t know much about female betta… Feel so stupid. 2.5-gallons is the recommended minimum size for just a betta fish by his or herself. I am going to get a mystery snail but wanted other tank mates. I have a lot of live plants, which is mostly placed in the background and two of the plants are of the type that grow very long and fast, so they stretches up to the surface. We hope you find what you are searching for! They are easy to care for and enjoy the same water conditions as bettas. Two things. Also could we talk through email? En revanche, un 20L pour un betta est bien, voir vraiment bien ^^ (mais sans autres poissons). The answer depends on the size of the habitat and how it is set up. Hoping to eventually move to 10 Gallon,when budget allows. Hi! There is definitely a limit if you want your fish to be happy, healthy and not stressed or sick. With a little effort, you can absolutely create conditions suitable to guppies and bettas simultaneously. They are doing well, along with the corys in Taz’s bowl. I have a Crown Tail Male Betta. Even if you do everything right, there’s no guarantee your betta won’t become an aggressor or a victim. 13-oct-2017 - Artem Pomelnikov descrubrió este Pin. Both are aggressive. Java ferns, guppy grass, and watersprites are all nice ideas to consider. I had recently gotten 4 females. But, my Betta will sometimes nip at my oto. La Betta femelle est alors prête également à la reproduction. Thanks! I had two zebra danio fish and one betta in my first 5 gallon aquarium and they got along just fine and still do in my 35 gallon aquarium. translation missing: de.layout.general.title 0. I enjoyed reading all the comments and answers! Hi. Hard water, which guppies prefer, will have a lot of that stuff. Et les guppys, à partir de 100l. 31/mar/2013 - Çok güzel lepistes ve endler/lepistes melezi fotoğrafları #mysterysnails #mysterysnail #fishtank, A video posted by BETTA FISH (@bettafishorg) on Nov 2, 2015 at 8:05am PST, Scientific Name: Pomacea Bridgesii Color: Grey or Brown and Spotted Ne met pas de guppy avec un betta, sa va se finir en carpaccio de guppy!!! While your main concern might be on how the betta are going to treat the guppies, remember that the guppies can do things like snatch their food and nip on their fins. This is another important area. If so, the water in your tank could contain a disease. Do you have any suggestions? The rule of thumb is 1-gallon per 1-inch of fish. When you are healthy you are generally happy right? Quarantine all new fish in a separate tank for 4-6 weeks. I have a 9 gallons, 5 gallons and 3.4 gallons. Sinon pour qu'un betta parade il suffit de lui mettre un miroir pour qu'il se voit! Your email address will not be published. One thing guppies and bettas have in common? Cet organe représente une ada… Color: Pink to Yellow Body with Dark Stripes Jordanna. Keeping them in groups ( even 3 of them ) really makes a change in activity level, and just makes for happier fish imo. Also, guppies prefer to be in schools to feel most safe which would require you to have a large tank. You could realistically keep some in a 5-gallon tank, but too many in a small tank will lead to bioload issues and even aggressiveness towards their own kind if overstocked. In fact, unless you want to breed at some point (which can present its own problems in a tank shared by these two types), you may want to consider a tank of all female guppies and all female bettas. My guppies run away. I lost 4 Betta fish until I saw the shrimp was preying Betta. The rasbora is a shoaling fish that prefers to live with a school of 5 to 6 in a tank. The marimo moss ball is a really cool living plant, and living plants can make awesome tankmates for betta fish too. In short, yes they can, but be prepared to monitor closely how they react together. Il y a des … Since your tank is 10 gallons, why not divide the tank in half with a tank divider? Je leur ai prévu un bac de 20L chacune mais je me demandais si il était … Jessy bonjour, Le combattant est un poisson calme qui aime la tranquilité. Do you recommend putting a snail into his tank? Other loaches, such as the clown loach* can grow over a foot so make sure to avoid this variant! I couldn’t return them since I’m one hour away from pet store. There are a ton of great options out there, when it comes to the best live plants for guppies and more. They prefer the middle of a tank, whereas betta fish tend to prefer the top-half, helping with compatibility and territory issues. Get a second tank. They are one of my favorite tank mates for male or female bettas alike. Both can cause problems if left alone with each other. I wouldn’t place the tank anywhere near direct sunlight. Box à la Cerise; Cerise en Voyage Very territorial fish. Right now he is in the bowl by himself and swimming a bit more. Thank you! Mory seems very happy, keeps building bubble nests. Kuhli loaches mind their own business, love to eat brine shrimp and need at least 20-gallons to be happy. Both eat the same food too. Remember that because of the specific tank conditions required for both guppies and bettas to be happy together, certain fish (such as many tropical examples) are not going to be suitable for your tank at all. They can eat the betta fish meat products, and they will. A long narrow tank is recommended for plenty of horizontal swimming space. I’ve never had a betta but have always wanted one. It all depends on the personality of the Betta and the size of the tank. If you have a large enough space and a Betta that is not aggressive, Betta’s can live with many different types of fish in perfect harmony. They like to explore and have tough skin in the event a betta fish does get curious. That’s wild! I am intrigued by the marimo moss balls and Mystery snails. your own Pins on Pinterest The tank is 10 gallons. Suite à l'annonce du gouvernement, nous mettons en place les frais de port offert pour le vivant à partir de 100 euros d'achat pendant toute la période du confinement en France . Thank you very much for the information. I would recommend a snail or another compatible tank mate that isn’t a schooling fish and doesn’t grow very large. Each recommended tankmate requires a similar water pH level of around 7.0-8.0 and tropical temperatures in the range of 72-81 degrees fahrenheit. Level: Beginner Color: Bronze Thank you, David, for the additional information. Understanding the unique challenges of betta ownership is essential here. They also have many unique care considerations that can make it difficult for them to live comfortably with the care considerations of Betta. Average Lifespans. You will need a secured lid for your tank. If anyone could help me that would be wonderful, thank you! With bettas, we are talking about fish that traditionally like comparatively softer, more acidic waters. We are looking to add a few more fish to the tank, and I have a few questions: I initially wanted a crawfish until I did the research about one, yikes, nothing is going to be safe around those! Purchase the correct minimum tank size for your community tank. Please answer soon as possible. All comments are moderated and will not be visible until they are approved. My tank environment is setup for both of them, with the left side (where filter is) being deep for the Betta while the right side gravel slopes up to create shallower water (it’s about 4″ from gravel to water surface) along with a rock formation/cave-type thing I made to stick up halfway above the water for the Fiddler to dry out on. My tank has substrate not sand, can that be an issue? Ca fini les 3/4 du temps en carnage, on dit "ça marche! I was thinking 1 male 1 female and some snails in a 3 gal. Right now I have them separated with the tetras in the 10 gallons and the betta fish in a small half gallon which makes me feel bad please help… thanks! As a teenager, my dad used to keep several fish tanks with several fish species, so I guess I have the instinct for caring for fish. If it is in from of a window do I still need a light for the tank? Another important key is to introduce the Betta a few days AFTER the crab has already been living in your tank. Only 10 fish in a 60 gal aquarium….if you want shrimp go for it. Color: Green If they don’t swim often like the ones in the little pet store cups that’s not good. Everything in a pet store should be considered temporary housing until it finds a good home. Their temperament is relatively docile, so you won’t have to worry about them nipping at your betta. The first thing is to get a tank that is not too high. Originaire des Caraïbes et d’Amérique du Sud, il fut découvert en 1859 et rapidement commercialisé pour sa beauté avant de devenir très prisé par les amateurs d’aquariophilie. Once you’ve created a comfortable place, you can begin to add your bettas. La cohabitation en aquarium des poissons ovovivipares comme les Guppy, les Platy, les Molly, ou encore les Xipho est un sujet souvent abordé, faisons le point. If I have a 10 gallon tank (oval shaped) can I accommodate 1 Betta, a snail and 2 ghost shrimp? I want to add the tetra neon and ember. And what I was wondering about is, would it be okay to add some (4) ghost shrimps? While less social and flexible than guppies, bettas still have the potential to live comfortably and happily with many other types of fish. Some of it would have made a big difference when I had my betta several years ago. I read and hear a lot about how many fish are to be kept in a home tank depending on the size of tank. We had to switch them around a lot when we were trying to get the water right. Level: Beginner You’ll get more enjoyment out of them too, as they are a vibrant green. Corydoras live on the bottom, feeding, and can live alone or in schools (4 or more recommended) depending on the size of your tank. The bottom feeders are in the tank with the female betta and tetras.